(remember BREATHING)

  • Baby Kiss--baby should always be positioned as close to your chin as is feasible/comfortable. You should always be able to tip your head forward and kiss the top of the baby's head.
  • Remember always AIR in any position (cradle, nursing, skin-to-skin)
  • Eye to eye with the child--you should always be able to see baby's face. NO to baby on your back! 
  • Avoid a "curled" or "folded" posture. Continuously ensure proper breathing.
  • Tummy and chest should be against the wearer's body, allowing for proper air. Baby should be held comfortably close to the wearer- with their back supported in a NATURAL OUTSTRETCHED position.
  • High enough fabric on to babies' back/ shoulders to provide proper support!
  • Important keep baby in light clothing when Mamas Bonding Comforter is in use. 
  • Nursing--cradle positions-bring baby back to upright as soon as they are finished nursing. Keep baby's chin off the chest. 
  • Gently pull and ensure there is enough fabric firmly stretched underneath baby's bottom all the way to the area slightly beyond the knees- so the fabric gathers a bit- and that the seat of the fabric is firmly pulled up in between your tummy- and babies' diaper.